My Internet Journal


7/5/2024 - I have off from work today. I am recovering from a bad sunburn and I'm still covered in chigger bites. I want to finish the book that I'm reading (Cloud Cuckoo Land) today and I think I'll go to the park soon to read by the water. It looks foggy out and I love fog. I just had a bagel with chive cream cheese and I'm drinking my coffee. I've been overwhelmed with work lately but at the same time, I'm scared for when it ends in a few months. I don't know what I'll do. My rough plan is to apply for jobs and go to school if nothing works out. But that's an easy thing to say and probably a hard thing to experience. I'm glad that I'm working on my site again, even if it's simple. I enjoy it a lot and I like to think that occasionaly someone will stumble on it and get something out of it. I hope one day I get to work in a marine environment.

--cont. it's later now, the park wasn't foggy but it was overcast. I finsihed my book and started a new one. I want to add another page to my site that will be a collection of misc thoughts. Just an anything goes page where I will link out to pages like this where I can write freely.